Colour handheld structured blue light 3D Scanner (TENDER NO. I-18012/7/18(82))

23 June,2018


On-line Digitally signed e-tenders are invited in two Bid System from the reputed and experienced manufacturers/authorized agents for Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of “Colour handheld structured blue light 3D Scanner” as per Council’s specification at this office. Only reputed manufacturers having proven experience in producing similar product and capability to execute the job within scheduled time frame may download the tender documents from the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP): or from the Council’s Bid submission end date is July 16, 2018. Online Technical (Techno-Commercial) Bid will be opened at the first instance in this office on July 17, 2018 at 12 p.m. for technical evaluation as well as selection of techno-commercially acceptable offers and at the second stage, the Financial Bids of only the selected and techno-commercially acceptable equipment/offers are scheduled to be opened on July 19, 2018 at 12 p.m. subject to completion of Technical Evaluation. Off-line tenders shall not be accepted and no request in this regard will be entertained whatsoever. Decision of the Council regarding selection of eligible and qualified vendors/firms for opening the Financial Bid shall be final and binding on the bidders.

View and Download Technical Specification

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